09 December 2011

Sleepless nights...

Already my third exhibition. I am busy with the preparations.

It will take place in “Zorgcentrum Aelsmeer”, in the town Aalsmeer. It’s a beautiful location for an exhibition, which I may use. It’s in the connection between the two different facilities.

It looked as if I still had plenty of time left. But when I turned the calendar on to November, I painfuly realized that it’s only a few weeks from the end of the year.

1 January 2012 the exposition must be ready!

Sleepless nights...

Determine a theme and select the paintings. Realizing that there are still some paintings to be made……
To make sure that everything is neatly framed.

Why are the days so short!?!

I had to make a text to tell something about me, the pastel and my paintings. It’s finished and delivered to the organizer of the exhibition.
They will place it on their website and in their newspaper in the second half of December.

Still have to contact the local media...

but still I have some time left …

The title for this third exhibition has become: "Ode to".

Yes, it’s a big challenge to prepare everything to get a beautiful exhibition.
But oh, how I enjoy it!


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